Hoyas for sale

I offer to buy rooted seedlings or fresh leaf node cuttings (cuttings ready for rooting) of various hoya (wax plant). Select plants of the list of plants below and submit the list on the Contacts page.

You can also use the option to reserve your chosen plants if any of the plants are currently not available on the list - see the reservation option below on this page! Hoya orders over 100 EUR  will receive a 10% discount. The delivery fee will be agreed with you individually. 

The pictures of cuttings and seedlings are for informational purposes only, as the plants are alive and may have changed between the time the picture was taken and the time it was sent to the website.

Hoya Finlaysonii sp.  

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya Carnosa dark red

rooted cutting, price 15 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 10 EUR - not available!

Hoya Pubicalix

rooted cutting, price 15 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 10 EUR - not available!

Hoya Macrophylla Albomarginata

rooted cutting, price 25 EUR - avalaible!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 10 EUR - available!

Hoya Macrophylla Snow Queen

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya Clemensiorum Borneo

rooted cutting, price 55 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 45 EUR - available!

Hoya Curtisii

rooted cutting, price 25 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 3-5 leaf nodes, price 10 EUR - available!

Hoya cv. Irina

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya Merrillii

rooted cutting, price 20 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-3 leaves, price 10 EUR - available!

Hoya Phuwuaensis

rooted cutting, price 35 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya Rotundiflora

rooted cutting, price 30 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-3 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya sp. Malaysia 06

rooted cutting, price 55 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 40 EUR - available!

Hoya Svetlana

rooted cutting, price 75 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 50 EUR - available!

Hoya Callistophylla big leaves (Sabah, Borneo)

rooted cutting, price 50 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 40 EUR - available!

Hoya Finlaysonii EPC-317

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya Finlaysonii sp. Chicken Farm splash leaves

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya Incrassata variegata Moonshadow

rooted cutting, price 35 EUR - available! 

fresh leaf  node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya Meredithii GPS1105

rooted cutting, price 50 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 35 EUR - available!

Hoya New Hybrid 1

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 30 EUR - available!

Hoya Ricardo SS13-05

rooted cutting, price 45 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya sp. DMC5655B

rooted cutting, price 95 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 70 EUR - available!

Hoya sp. Sarawak Pink

rooted cutting, price 50 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 30 EUR - available!

Hoya Verticillata (sirds formas lapas)

rooted cutting, price 25 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 15 EUR - available!

Hoya Archboldiana variegata

rooted cutting, price 55 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 40 EUR - available!

Hoya Carnosa Crimson Queen

rooted cutting, price 15 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 10 EUR - not available!

Hoya Caudata Sumatra

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya cv. Alyona

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - available!

fresh leaf  node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 30 EUR - available!

Hoya Deykeae

rooted cutting, price 50 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 40 EUR - available!

Hoya Finlaysonii dark flower

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 25 EUR - available!

Hoya Priktai

rooted cutting, price 65 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 45 EUR - available!

Hoya sp. Germany

rooted cutting, price 60 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 50 EUR - available!

Hoya Finlaysonii Nong Nooch IML1541

rooted cutting, price 40 EUR - available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 30 EUR - available!

Hoya Vitellinoides

rooted cutting, price 30 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 20 EUR - available!

Hoya aff. Villosa Cao Dang Vietnam

rooted cutting, price 50 EUR - not available!

fresh leaf node cutting, with 1-2 leaves, price 35 EUR - available!

Online booking

Make your reservation on time. I will send a reservation confirmation to your e-mail.

Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai nodrošinātu mājas lapas pareizu darbību un drošību, kā arī piedāvātu vislabāko iespējamo lietošanas pieredzi.

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Funkcionālās sīkdatnes saglabā Tavas preferences un attiecīgi pielāgo mūsu mājas lapu.
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Pateicoties mārketinga sīkdatnēm, mēs varam izmērīt un analizēt mūsu mājas lapas veiktspēju.